
How To Break Up A Dog Fight Animal Shelter Play Group Aspca

[Updated January sixteen, 2018]

Hang around with dogs long enough, and sooner or later you're likely to encounter a dogfight.

It might be a boxing over resources – food, toys, territory, or your attention – or one dog taking law-breaking at another's physical communication manner. It could exist a struggle for position within the social condition hierarchy, or simply a matter of a domestic dog being in the wrong place at the wrong fourth dimension.

Perhaps it's a case of redirected assailment – Fido really wanted to attack the stray canis familiaris on the other side of the contend but couldn't get to him, so he turned on Snoopy instead. Or you may have the misfortune of experiencing one of the about frightening dogfight scenarios – when an aggressive stray dog attacks yours while the two of you are taking a elementary walk on ternion around the cake.

strange dog attacks

Dogs fight. Despite the genetic programming that more often than not allows dogs to alive harmoniously in groups, from time to time the harmony is shattered and a existent fight occurs. When it does, it can be terrifying and dangerous – to the humans as well as the canines who get involved in the fracas.

Your beginning instinctive response may be to yell at the top of your lungs to attempt to intermission up the battle. Your 2nd is often to reach in and attempt to bodily rescue your canine pal – especially if it appears he is getting the worst of it. Neither of these deportment is probable to be effective. Yelling often adds fuel to the stress and arousal that led to the fight in the offset place, and just intensifies the battle. Reaching into the fray mostly results in your receiving multiple lacerations – sometimes inflicted by your own domestic dog, who is too engaged in the battle to recognize or respect his own person'south hand, arm, or face.

Of course, you tin can't just stand back and scout when a ferocious dogfight is in progress, especially if your tiny teacup Poodle is getting mauled by a Mastiff. So, what should you do?

Dog Fight Prevention: Manage and Train Your Domestic dog

I've lost rail of how many times we've said this, but every bit ever, prevention beats cure. Information technology is imperative that y'all manage and train your ain canine family unit to minimize the risk of serious dogfights. Identify situations that are probable to light the dogfight fuse, such every bit fence-fighting or resource guarding, and effigy out how to avoid them and/or alter the behavior that causes them.

In improver, y'all must establish a calm home atmosphere. Dogs who live in a structured environment – where it is clear which behaviors are allowed and which are not – are much more likely to live in harmony than those who alive in homes where chaos reigns. Something as simple as requiring all dogs to sit politely earlier the door is opened to the lawn can assist instill lodge in the pack and respect for you equally the benevolent leader of the family unit.

It's fine to permit your dog to play in groups at places like dog parks, daycare, and neighborhood dog romps, as long as yous brand certain that members of the social groups are advisable playmates in terms of size, personality, and play style. Play group opportunities assistance to go along dogs well-socialized, which helps forestall dogfights.

About dog parks have rules that require their canine park users to "be nice." Politely ask human guardians of inappropriate members to remove their dogs from the grouping. If they decline, remove your own dog(s), and report the offender to the users' group or other authority responsible for monitoring canis familiaris park utilise. If your dog has problem being "dainty" around other dogs, and so y'all will need to take a laissez passer on these social outlets.

If you live in an surface area where aggressive devious dogs are common, request that your local animal services agency step upward their patrol efforts and then that you can safely walk your dog. If Animal Services is reluctant to step in, speak with your elected officials virtually what needs to be washed to make the agency more responsive to community needs. If you lot can identify owners of the errant dogs and feel comfy approaching them, explain that their dogs are causing problems, and politely ask them to go on the dogs at home where they belong.

Protecting Your Canis familiaris Against Other Dogs' Aggression

You can't always predict and prevent incidents of serious dog-dog aggression. You lot can, notwithstanding, be prepared to intervene safely to protect your dog – and yourself – should the necessity arise. Familiarize yourself with various tools and techniques that have the greatest chance of successfully quelling doggie disputes with the to the lowest degree injury to all parties. And so make up one's mind which are most appealing to you lot, and be certain to have them on manus (and in your head) should the time come up when yous demand them.

These tools and techniques range from small and simple to big and assuming. It is important to retrieve that none of them are foolproof; they all involve some inherent gamble to the dogs who are fighting and to the humans who are trying to intervene, and they all can be applied with varying degrees of success. You will need to weigh the odds and decide, in each case, if the take a chance outweighs the potential for injury from the fight itself.

The topic of breaking up dogfights came up recently during a discussion between Association of Pet Canis familiaris Trainers (APDT) members, and generated an interesting list of suggestions. Let's look at some of them and see how useful they might be (or not!) for the boilerplate dog on the street.

Avoiding Domestic dog Fights Altogether

Prevention ways making wise decisions nearly dog husbandry that will keep you in the best position to avoid unsafe conflict.

Beverly Hebert, of Saccharide Land, Texas, no longer walks both of her German Shepherds at the aforementioned time, so she can better manage a situation if information technology does arise. She realized that having more than ane dog on leash puts her at an impossible disadvantage if she and her canine friends are approached by an unfriendly canis familiaris – or pack. She feels much more than confident near her ability to use advisable tools and techniques to protect i domestic dog than two.

umbrella for blocking dog

She besides tries to utilise skilful sense about when and where to walk her dogs. She says, "When we were on vacation with our dogs in Taos, New Mexico, my married man wanted to get for walks with the dogs down a mountainside road in an area filled with dogs. He thought I was a 'Nervous Nellie' because I wouldn't do that, but every fourth dimension we passed a domicile with no argue and a loose dog I heaved a sigh of relief that our dogs weren't with us."

Using Aversives to Stop Dog Fights

Aversives are tools that a dog finds offensive to the senses – smells, sounds, and other stimuli that are potent enough to stop a behavior. In general, aversives tin exist near effective if used to interrupt fighting dogs prior to full arousal in an atmospherics; their effectiveness decreases as arousal levels increase, although they may still succeed in stopping many full-calibration fights. Aversives should also be considered primarily a tool for crisis intervention – I don't recommend using them as bones preparation tools.

Marni Fowler, of Gainesville, Florida, reminds the states that blasting dogs with water from a nearby hose is a tried and truthful method of separating fighting dogs. She's right – and it often works – assuming a hose happens to be nearby with a powerful plenty spray to exercise the job. A skilful tool to keep in your arsenal for the correct time and place – like your own yard. Not particularly useful, however, when there's no hose handy!

One of the easily-portable aversive sprays, such as Direct Stop™ (citronella) or Halt!™ (pepper spray) might be an effective alternative to the hose. Of the ii, Straight Stop, available from Premier, is the safer choice, since pepper spray products are more corrosive, and the spray can drift and bear upon innocent bystanders – humans as well every bit dogs. There are laws in some jurisdictions requiring that users of pepper spray products consummate a preparation course and carry a permit. In a compression, even a fire extinguisher, while not hands portable, might simply happen to be a handy and effective aversive tool.

Debi Davis, of Tucson, Arizona, trains service dogs from her wheelchair, and is always accompanied past ane or more of her ain service-trained Papillions. The dogfight topic is of keen interest to her, both considering her dogs are small and more vulnerable than many others, and because her own mobility and power to protect them is limited.

Davis has an air horn attached to her chair that makes 10 different sounds, including sirens, horns, barnyard animals, etc., and she can crank the sound up to a deafening level. Air horns (available at boating supply stores) can be effective at warding off attacking dogs, but your ain dog has to be desensitized to the cacophony, or y'all are likely to lose him equally well! You lot can also hazard damage to eardrums, both canine and man, and you practise take a chance of frightening your own domestic dog beyond repair.

Nicole Wilde, of Gentle Guidance in Santa Clarita, California, says that she had expert success most of the time with air horns when she worked at a doggie daycare center several years agone. Wilde says they were quite effective in breaking upward fights in a majority of the cases.

Using Physical Objects to Stop Canis familiaris Fights

A number of trainers suggested intervention with a physical object of some kind. If fights are a regular problem in your household y'all might attach a handle to a sheet of plywood so you lot tin lower it between ii sparring dogs and force them autonomously.

Dogfighters – and some pitbull owners who don't fight their dogs but know the breed's potential – carry a "parting stick" or "interruption stick" with them wherever they go with their dogs. This is usually a carved or whittled hammer handle, tapered to a rounded point at one end. When two dogs are locked in combat, the departing stick can be forced betwixt a domestic dog's teeth and turned sideways, to pry open the jaws. Parting sticks can pause a dog's teeth, and a dog whose jaws have just been "parted" may turn on the person doing the parting. Similar many other techniques offered here, this method should only be considered for dire emergencies.

A coating can too be a useful tool. Tossed over the fighters (i over each works best), information technology muffles outside stimuli, thereby reducing arousal. This as well allows the humans to accomplish in and physically separate the combatants by picking up the wrapped pooches with less risk of a serious seize with teeth – the coating will also absorber the upshot of teeth on pare if the domestic dog does whirl and seize with teeth.

Laura Van Dyne, CPDT, of The Canine Consultant, LLC in Carbondale, Colorado, suggests a defensive technique she saw demonstrated at a conference by Trish King, Managing director of the Behavior and Training Department at the Marin Humane Society in Novato, California. Male monarch paints big optics and teeth in bright paint on an umbrella – the kind that explodes open at the touch of a push – them carries it, folded upwardly, when walking in places where devious dogs are a threat. When an aggressive dog approaches, whoosh!, the "Defend-A-Brella" leaps into activeness and wards off the threat. Yous would, of class, need to desensitize your own dogs to the umbrella activeness prior to using information technology in real life. This is not as likely to stop a fight in progress, merely may well foreclose an assault from an approaching dog.

dog bite in arm

Janet Smith, Beliefs Program Manager for the Capital Area Humane Order in Lansing, Michigan, offers a somewhat desperate technique, reminding us that when a dog'due south life and limb are at stake, drastic measures may exist chosen for. Smith says, "You tin wrap a leash around the aggressor'due south neck or get hold of a collar and twist to cut off the dog'south airflow, until he lets go to attempt to get a breath of air, then pull the dogs apart."

Of form, this could be more than difficult than it sounds. It might be a claiming to go a ternion around the neck of a dog who is "fastened" past the rima oris to another domestic dog without getting your easily in harm'due south way, and grabbing a neckband to twist also puts hands in close proximity to teeth.

Using Your Body to Arbitrate a Dog Fight

Jackie McGowan, of Click Start Dog Training in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, attended a seminar given by Turid Rugaas, and reports that the highly respected Norwegian trainer had few suggestions for magic techniques for breaking upward fights. Co-ordinate to McGowan, Rugaas said that she normally gives dogs a take chances to work information technology out, only if it is apparent that this is not going to happen, she volition attempt and walk between and/or gently pull ane canis familiaris abroad by his collar. Rugaas also cautioned seminar attendees that she would non recommend this to others treatment a fight because the take chances of injury to the human is high.

Carla Baker of A to Z Training in Olympia, Washington, recalls a rather drastic technique she observed in activity at a dog show some 20 years ago. "Two dogs got into it and were going to crusade some major harm," Bakery says. "The elderly judge was a very tiny adult female, and she had the handlers both grab their dogs and hold on tight. And so she went up and took the canis familiaris on height by the tail and jammed her thumb up his rectum. He permit get in an instant and whirled around to see what the heck was happening. The judge excused the two dogs, calmly washed her hands, and and so continued her classes without a hitch – just as if information technology happened every day.

"Don't know that I'd try this myself," Baker concluded, "simply information technology certain did piece of work!"

Valerie Poulton, of Val'due south Good Dogs in Omaha, Nebraska, offers i more than approach to physical intervention; one that could exist a little hard if the aggressor is a 150-pound St. Bernard, but sounds worth trying with a smaller canis familiaris. This method was demonstrated at Poulton'south grooming social club last year by author and trainer, Suzanne Clothier. Poulton has since tried it herself and reports that it worked for her on two split occasions with her own dog – merely merely in a one-on-one canis familiaris brawl; she would not recommend it in a multi-dog fight situation.

"Lift the rear of the clearly-identified assailant so that he is suspended with his forefeet barely touching the footing," Poulton explains. "The dog lets go, and the target can scoot free. "

Poulton cautions that her domestic dog is dog-aggressive just, and will not turn on a human. "Supposedly, in this position the dog is not able to turn on the human suspending him, although I cannot say I have used information technology with a dog who might try."

Equipment for Dog Fight Pause-Ups

Now, all yous need to do is stuff a canister of Direct Stop in your pocket, hang an umbrella over your arm, adhere a parting stick to your belt, conduct a blanket over your other arm, residual a canvas of plywood on your head, wear an air horn around your neck, and exist certain you lot accept at least two friends with you to hold dogs while you put your thumb in private places, and y'all are ready for anything.

Seriously, if and when that next fight happens, take a deep breath, resist your instincts to yell or leap in the eye of the fray, quickly review your available options, and cull the one – or ones – that are near likely to work in that place and time. When the fight is over and no one is existence rushed to the hospital in an ambulance, retrieve to accept a moment to relax and exhale, so congratulate yourself for your quick thinking.

Fight-Stopping Resources

Air horns

Parting sticks

PetSafe Shield (citronella)

Halt! Canis familiaris Repellent (pepper spray)

An umbrella with a face up


1. Railroad train your own dogs to reply to your cues, even in the face of a chaotic melee.

2. When walking your dog, or when playing with him at leash-gratuitous parks, behave some tool (umbrella, etc.) that yous feel comfy with and capable of using in case of an emergency. The tool you choose should be suited to the environment; pepper spray is not advisable for utilize in canis familiaris parks, only perfect for defending yourself from the devious fighting dogs that wander in some urban neighborhoods.

Pat Miller, WDJ's Training Editor, is also a freelance writer and Certified Pet Dog Trainer. She is the author of The Ability of Positive Dog Training, and other books.


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